Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tukuyu: Useful Camping

During this season we´ve been able to note down what visitors have to say about Bongo Camping, because unlike the first years, the campsite is now being included in several blog posts on travellers´ websites. Although one post describes that the food was served cold, there´s been very few negative aspects in the descriptions of travellers´ stay at Bongo Camping. Most of them say ´beautiful and simple´.

On a travellers´ blog in April 2011, these Bongo visitors write about their stay at Bongo Camping:

"50 km into Tanzania we stopped in Tukuyu at the community run Bongo Campsite. The campsite was very basic, but, brilliant as it was nestled in amongst a small village and you really felt part of the community as various people contributed to the existence and running of the campsite. It was incredibly cheap and now holds the record for the cheapest camping for us at Tsh 6000 per person which is roughly R20. We also had a Swahili lesson from some of the locals and were taught some of the basics that would help us get by at the market and when asking for directions."

We´ve noticed that we are useful camping to many travellers. Not only are we located close to a border post, where people can rest the day of leaving/entering a new country. Three useful things that we are proud to offer every visitor at Bongo Camping are:

Communal readiness to assist travellers, Swahili teaching, and transparency of local development going on at the office. At the moment any visitor is invited to get insight into the two on-going projects, Bongodox (a documentary film project, see, and the Kindergarten.

More visitors´ descriptions have been included in the recent posts on this blog.

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